Performance management

Track down each employee's performance at a granular level and improve their productivity

Newwe Performance management
Why Newwe’s Performance Management?

Traditional practice to evaluate an employee’s wellbeing and recognize them for the contribution in a year is no longer in the practice. Employee's now enjoy a better choice to pick and drop their career and are counting on various aspects to balance the respective work and personal commitment to accomplish their future endeavors.

Just floating a hefty compensation without attention to leverage training needs, career growth, transparent work culture, and absence of amicable relationship with peer to senior’s associates lead to burn out at workplace.

An agile practice is adopted in Newwe where individual and leadership team will have an opportunity to self-monitor and analyze their performance, genuinely support others, mentor, foster constant conversation, encourage corrective action plan for underperforming employee's, create competency-based development and support employee's to achieve individual and organizational goals. We ensure individual and team goals, objectives or OKRs are aligned with organizational performance through an effective human resource management practice.

Newwe is intuitive, simple to use, and can be easily configured to map different industry needs

Every user will have a defined role and will have respective dashboard to view and contribute for KRAs, KPIs, goals, and conduct 360-degree performance reviews. Based on the job role, Newwe is crafted to configure complex process and have built-in templates to assist users in creating goals, define workflows, check approvals, set reminders, get notifications to improvise employee and organizational performance.

1. Continuous feedback

Newwe sets the foundation to bring your teams together to collaborate and communicate from anywhere at any time. This is one of the best ways to take quick decisions as the platform fosters point-in-time feedback directly from managers, peers, and reviewers all in one place.

2. Track attendance

Tracking real-time attendance from onsite or offshore employee's helps to fasten payroll processing and adhere to compliances. Respective core HR team can guide payroll team to process compensation based on available details of employee's working pattern. The human resource department will also have a deeper insight to address grievance and associated violation of compliances as per company policy.

3. Performance dashboard
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Each employee will have specific access to a dashboard configured as per role and hierarchy. An individual will have a visibility on actionable insights, real-time analytics, risk factors, and level of employee engagement to act before it is too late. Users will have assistance from chatbot for each new or old action, collaboration with team at digital workspace, and an assurance that health of each employee is counted for feedback and practices to improvise performance at every level.

4. Peer-to-peer meetings

Effective communication is advocated to derive meaningful insight and help team members empower organization and leadership team members. Regular check-ins and a focused per-to-peer discussion help to share ideas and give an opportunity to collaborate, sync with goals, development initiatives, and more.

5. Rewards

When an employee receives points or badges it lets the participant know that they have just overcome a challenge, fostering an intrinsic motivation. Each reward can be attached to points, or a badge based on process and associated compliances.

Newwe creates a leaderboard, based on various badges or points accrued, and introduces monetary reward programs to acknowledge the achievements. A badge can go a long way to motivate an employee. The employer has complete freedom to configure various badges, and reward points based on criteria aligned to organizational goals or objectives.

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6. Career planning

Create a healthy environment where every individual can progress both professionally and personally by setting SMART goals while encompassing training, career development, and support for employee's in all stages of their careers. Introduce such career planning activities quite smoothly through Newwe.

7. Employee well-being

Embrace employee well-being as a part of your organizational culture by creating an environment where employee's are motivated to do their best, meet work-life balance, and their emotional wellness is taken care of.

8. Organizational goals

Ensure your employee's check-in their goals, OKRs, KPIs and task status effortlessly. A wide range of integrations are available to get organizational-level goal updates and automate the status updates by collecting the data from third-party apps like Microsoft Teams, Google Tasks, Atlassian Jira, Outlook, and more.

9. Employee engagement
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Don’t just rely on annual performance reviews and reports to make decisions that are related to employee's. Newwe’s Performance Management Software (PMS) combines a various range of data in one place to create the most holistic profile of each employee, demonstrating snapshots of their goals, performance, OKRs, and more, helping organizations to get deep insights to boost employee morale and engagement too.

Ready to get started with the best Performance Management platform?