Point-in-time Review

#1 Employee performance review platform

Newwe Point-in-time Appraisal
Most comprehensive point-in-time review platform configurable for startups, SMEs and large enterprises

Measuring individual employee performance is one of the significant objectives for an organization. Because employee performance directly impacts the growth of the organization. So, ditch the conventional way of managing your employee performance and adopt our Newwe's point-in-time review, a comprehensive performance management platform for all types of businesses that track down each employee's performance at a granular level.

51% of employee's

believe that annual reviews are inaccurate, and 53% say it does not motivate them.

98% of businesses

believe performance management is important, but only 64% say they have an effective approach to it.

70% of companies

say there should be a stronger link between performance management and other talent considerations.

Key Benefits of Point-in-time Review

Rapid employee engagement
Newwe Review

Newwe provides your employee's with continuous feedback and helps in introducing the best practices for performance management that makes your employee's feel accountable, more included in the organization. Our platform offers a lot more than developing rapid employee engagement – it helps you understand where your employee's stand and creates a bond of trust with them.

360-degree feedback

Create, manage and collect complete 360 feedback of each employee seamlessly with Newwe’s performance review platform. Our software helps you collect quick, reliable and confidential evaluations from each employee’s managers, subordinates, colleagues as well as self-evaluation by the employee themselves.

Newwe Review
Facilitates two-way communication
Newwe Review

Collecting feedback and taking the right decision is important to drive employee engagement and to increase the retention rate of employee's in your organization. Newwe’s point-in-time review facilitates employee engagement, faster decision making, collaboration and more.

Insightful analytics

Newwe offers complete insights into employee's performance records in the past and present, leaving no room for assumptions or favoritism but becoming a more objective and data-driven organization. Analytics also helps employee's to make decisions about their learning and development needs.

SMART goal management

With Newwe, set goals that are SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-based), update employee achievements for a period, monitor their KPIs and KRAs, track progress, and give continuous feedback on where they stand and identify the areas of improvement for further developments - all in one place.

Newwe Review
Reviews & ratings

Get a hands-on review and rating of each employee while having them not wait for months or the entire year to evaluate and know about their performance ratings. Our platform allows you to get quick access to evaluation and ratings after an employee completes a particular task.

Reduced bias & transparency

Newwe elucidates an organization's existing performance and review management policy, offering a great deal of visibility to every employee in the organization.

Get started in minutes, Newwe offers out-of-the-box capabilities for modern Employee Experience